At a recent workshop with Etsy Canada, we reviewed the basics of product pricing. The intention was simple. Make sure your pricing is good now, so it’ll be good then. When’s then? Well, we call it ‘when Anthropologie calls. Yes, the great retailer. Many crafty friends with great products have jumped from local production to mass production with one email from an Anthropologie buyer. Their questions? Simple, complex and too many to mention. Here are a few. What are case pack quantities? Are the products individually wrapped? Do you have barcodes? What is your discount price?
When you set your pricing, it’s important to understand the long term vision of your business. If you’ve got Anthropologie on your radar, your pricing must include their fee structures, even if you’re currently selling locally. Interested in having Jacqueline speak at your upcoming workshop or event? Email her now.
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Comment (1)
Such a key point when makers start pricing their goods. Great post!